Renowned authors not required

Engraving, in words, the valuable contents of our personal story is exciting, revealing and a self-awareness exercise, apart from being tedious and tiring. Many famous authors have said that writing is a great physical effort, referring to how intensely committed all of our being is in this task.
Yet, once the literary exercise is completed there is still an aspect to attend to: its publication.
Not long ago, the achievement of being published was reserved for the most virtuous, famous or wealthy. The process of trying to publish a book representes a real job: numerous visits to a publisher, leave your book and wait a month only to regain the material with a note of appreciation. I, myself, went through this process in my twenties; I was not famous nor did I have money to self-publish. After a year and many publishers, it became clear that I was not virtuous either.
Formerly, publishing a book or material was a daunting task. By contrast, today it is quite simple. It is one of the great achievements of this new century as we move towards free expression.
The process of uploading a digital book to a store is not complicated but it has certain aspects to take care of, besides the aesthetic composition. We offer support for the entire process.
It is quite hard and committed work to produce material that reflects your values and good knowledge while expressing, in words, that which makes you feel proud. If you’ve got that, you now have a powerful resource to share your masterpiece.
I welcome you,
Horacio Camperi
Mostly this service is aimed at clients who wish to upload their book on Kindle (Amazon), although we also offer general information about other platforms where you can publish. The most widespread format for digital books is EPUB. MOVI (Kindle format) is the second one. We convert your book content or material to either of these two formats, EPUB or MOVI.
Besides the design and conversion process, you must comply with a series of requirements before your publication is available online: personal and tax information; the completion of your account settings in KDP (Amazon) and participation agreements. This configuration and provision of information is performed once. After Amazon checks your account, you are able to upload as many books or materials as you like.
Normally a digital book includes images for the cover and chapters. But these images must be processed because the weight is important when uploading a book to Kindle. Amazon deducts money per each MB of weight and, considering that the most popular price range is 3 to 9 euros, taking care of the final weight will be relevant.
The cost of managing the process until your book is published and the work of creating and delivering your digital book in two formats EPUB and MOVI, is
700 € (IVA not included)
For books that require large picture contents we shall evaluate the work and will set the time and cost for that particular job.
If you are interested in this offer please contact Horacio Camperi at horacio@cloudherders.com or send us a message from our contact area.