Values & Identity
Supported by Point of Value.

For an entrepreneur guided by his or her values, they represent the beginning and end of any action. To observe carefully these principles that inspire us requires more than good memory and a list of priorities.
Since 2005 I am a Facilitator of Point of Value (formerly Valuesonline) a powerful tool designed to help people connect with their core values. The process invites you to be part of an online ranking of values and, as a result, creates a set of maps and charts which are used in a facilitation or coaching process. You can get more information about this tool at this link.
Given the participation and commitment required by this tool, its applications have both a personal and business scope. As part of our offer, the material obtained is used, first, to establish identity elements and statements. Once confirmed by the client, these results can be applied with confidence in the design of image and strategy development.
The values process turns an awakened person into a fully conscious one. Our values can be expressed in an articulated and coherent way but also with devotion and plasticity. Identity lives in our hearts, our minds and our hands.
It is always a pleasure to serve an entrepreneur who assumes the challenge of shaping new offers under the crucible of his or her values. My commitment will live up to such a decision and my work will correspond to your motivation and vote of confidence.
I welcome you,
Horacio Camperi
The process alternates between time for individual work and facilitation time. This will be the structure of our activity.
1. Values Ranking
It is an individual process that will require a few hours of your time, at least two. It is totally flexible allowing you to accommodate to your availability, interrupting and resuming your ranking as you wish. The system works with 127 values considered most relevant in Western culture. From this process of personal and conscious choices you will be able to recognize your core values and the result will be reflected in a set of maps and charts which will accompany us during the journey of turning your core values into elements of identity.
2. First two four-hour sessions
With the support of Point of Value, Meaning Map and your story telling contributions, you will define your priority values and recreate meaningful elements, images and symbols which will allow us to draw the first archetypical images and defining customized definitions of your twelve core values. This will be your first confirmation of the process.
3. Interval
During this period, useful materials for the following sessions and the first archetypical images are created.
An archetypical image is like a mantra. Expressed in more conventional words, it is an image that identifies with an experience or reality and, when it is evoked, brings memories or arouses feelings linked to that experience. Many people use these images to reinforce qualities (courage, creativity, decision) although they do not call them “archetypical”.
We do because we shape those images from the personal contents of your core values and, therefore, those images are the “essence” of what you consider most valuable.
Creating an archetypical image is not easy and requires your confirmation but, once achieved, can be used like a mantra, to evoke and concentrate the entire contents of your values in an instant.
4. Third four-hour session
This session has two parts:
a) With the support of Point of Value Role and Personality Maps, we will observe your 12 core values from a physical, emotional and mental lens. In addition we establish new elements, symbols and colors aligned to this approach. This will be your second confirmation of the results of the process. We will also outline a first manifesto for vision, mission and qualities.
b) We explore together the twelve archetypical images, which requires a special context that allows you to identify yourself with them or refuse them. It is an intimate and profound experience. But still, a point of departure.
5. Interval
Preparation of new proposals for mission, vision and qualities content. Update of colour palette and identity elements. Update of archetypical images content.
6. Last four-hour session
This will be your third and final confirmation: colour palette (primary and secondary colors), elements and symbols of corporate identity, vision, mission and qualities. It is a session to polish and refine details; also to celebrate the achievements of this committed and intense 16-hour journey.
Once all contents are confirmed, you will receive a summary report in 48 hours.
What will you get?
Statements: Vision, mission and qualities.
Colour palette: Primary and secondary colours.
Images or symbols (natural and human-made) applied to those colours.
Archetypical images
Process material:
valuesonline™ Maps, graphs and reports.
Core values: Personalized definitions cards.
These results can be used in other processes such as offer design, (Values and Offers), personalized sales method (Values and Sales) and the creation of image contents such as logos, advertising campaigns, websites or publications.
The values ranking cost is 60 €
The cost of the facilitation process, including the four sessions, preparation time, material and final report, is 950 €
Prices do not include IVA.
For any consultation or request, feel free to contact Horacio Camperi at or send us a message from our contact area.