Your personal scenario

For many, a webpage could be thought of as an instrument to attract followers, with an optimized process that filters irrelevant visitors and brings those prospective clients that “deserve” attention or, even more, those who can buy our products without any personal contact. Given the nature of our offers, this kind of expectation can not be satisfied although it leads us to a reflection:
A website can support people to empower their activities and also can be a sign of how they grow their business.
Perhaps you observe a website as a 24-hour open window where the interior of your project and offer can be observed; allowing access to people who have some sort of alignment with you and your activity. Of course, your website will receive people who are not a part of your community, but there are those that will arrive in a natural way and with a real interest. All of them will find valuable information and a sense of what they can receive when interacting with you.
In particular, I see a website as a sophisticated business card with relevant, useful content and presented in such a way that you are always present. It is a challenge, of course, but the final outcome will be your full satisfaction.
Next, you will find a complete description of our website building process, the required tasks and steps. Web designs are becoming more and more refined and I find it useful to describe what you can expect from your website if you decide to consider this offer.
I welcome you,
Horacio Camperi
Before we talk about design, I find important to provide some basic information about the structure required for us to build a website.
- A web hosting
- A web design
- A platform (programme) that allows the first two to work together
- A domain name and one or more email addresses
Is it possible to design a website in a different way? Of course it is. This requires a designer and a programmer; it costs thousands of euros and also, unless your website is updated with continuous internet changes, it runs the risk of becoming obsolete. We do not do this type of work nor recommend it.
Services we work with
Hosting service: Hostinger
We exclusively work with this company. It has 24-hour customer service and excellent backup resources that allow us to recover from any problem in minutes.
Platform: WordPress
There are different platforms to install a web design into a hosting service. Godaddy supports most of them. We only use WordPress. This platform has a community of millions of users who selflessly offer improvements to the system, as well as accessories and free web designs. The WordPress platform is updated at least two or three times a year.
Hosting: Depending on the need, between 100 € and 200€ per year. Hostinger usually has excellent welcome offers up to 50% off.
Domain name: 12€ to 30€ per year.
WordPress Platform: Always cost free and fully compatible with Hostinger service.
Plugins: Most of them are cost free. The payable ones can represent a single payment of 15€ to 80€. Each case must be studied but, if the right theme is chosen, it will certainly bring all the necessary plugins.
IMPORTANT: The time of searching, acquiring and installing these services and applications, is included in the price of our work plan, but not the acquisition costs.
Like it does for many offers on this website, Values & Identity provides a solid and secure working environment with valuable information from your values ranking, which is reviewed and confirmed by you.
However, it is perfectly possible to build a website without the support of Values & Identity. This will require a prior conversation to establish a starting point with information about you and your project; also your design preferences and, if that it is the case, identity elements that you already have like a logo, typography and colors, in addition to what you might want to keep from a previous website. Once this information is established, we will begin our work plan, which includes several calls and preparation time between them.
Process tasks
- Managing hosting: Hostinger, set up a new account, choose a plan and make settings.
- Domain name: Acquisition or migration to your new Hostinger hosting. Create email accounts and settings.
- Install and create custom scenarios aligned to your needs; search for additional plugins, if necessary, and their installation.
- Various calls to define the style and content of your website. Discuss type of home page, online store, if necessary, and personal areas like about us/team, services, blog, portfolio or contact page.
- Various progressive versions of your website will allow you to see, in context, our advancement and easily establish changes you deem necessary.
- Every single step will be confirmed by you to achieve a website that is fully aligned with you.
You will receive a work plan with all the different tasks and steps. You can request this complete information by contacting us.
Cost of this offer: 850€
- 40 working hours, 12 to 16 of them dedicated to search for hundreds of images and photos.
- All tasks and steps included in our work plan.
- See our work plan.
For webpages that do not require the full process described above or do not need 40 hours work, we can offer you prices from 550€
Additional work: 25€ per hour
- Any extra job not included in our work plan.
- Once the website is confirmed and uploaded, any extension, modification, maintenance or updates are charged by the hour.
Important: These prices do not include IVA (VAT)
What is not included in this offer?
- Second or following languages
- Logo design
- Writing support
- Cost of hosting plan
- Cost of domain name
Second and following languages
Every case should be estimated but normally webpages for individuals are priced around 250€ to 350€. This price covers the creation of areas and insertion of every single text into its own place. Translation itself is not included.
If you think this offer can support your expectations, we can have a chat and establish a work plan suitable to your values and needs. Please send us an email at or send us a message from our contact area.